My Story
Having 3 kids that love playing outside and are active in sports + paired with running an actual Dog Boarding business out of our Home!! You can imagine that I have tried every product known to man to keep our home smelling Clean & Welcoming. Scentsy has been the answer!! I've been personally using Scentsy products for several years now and after getting asked countless times from families coming in our home on a daily basis, "How does your home smell SO Good and not smell like dogs!?!" I figured why not sell the product we have come to Love so very much and reap the benefits of Making Money -plus- earning Awesome Discounts while at it!! I'm pretty sure that if I can have 20 pups & 3 kids living an active life in our home and it still Smells SO Good - it can surely make yours smell just as Warm & Inviting!! ...I would love to answer any questions you may have, whether it be about any of the Scentsy Products, if you'd like to Host a Party on Facebook & earn Free Products -or- even if you yourself would like to become a Scentsy Consultant and earn Extra Income -plus- Spectacular Discounts!!
It's a Win-Win friends!! :D
xx~ Stephanie and Family